Hello fellow geeks!
We hope you are all doing well and keeping safe as we are still in lockdown and stuck at home at the moment. It's just over one month until we return to work and we can't wait to see you and welcome you back to our little shop - we miss you!
As you may be aware today is International Women's Day and this year's theme is 'Choose To Challenge' - A challenged world is an alert world and from challenge comes change. So let's all choose to challenge. This is such an important message to spread amongst all genders and we thought it would be amazing to share with you all a new business collaboration we have started with Kate's Krystals - another small business run by a woman.
Post pictures of yourself with your hand up to show you're in and want to see an equal world. Use the following hashtags in your social media posts today.

We have recently started working very closely with Katie, who owns and runs Kate's Krystals, and we want to share with you and celebrate her new venture and hope you will join us.
When did you start Kate's Krystals? And Why?
“I started Kate's Krystals as a Hobbie around 3 years ago but only recently found the courage to go full time November 2020. I love Crystals and anything witchy. I wanted to share my passion with others and I couldn't think of anything better than doing what I love as a job.”
What made you expand in to candles and melts?
“I'd had the idea to infuse crystals into candles for a long time and just totally loved putting these two products together. I didn't realise how much I'd love making candles. This progressed to making Wax Melts too. Customers feed back got better and better which give me the buzz to continue with new products and ideas.”
What plans have you got for the future of the business?
“I plan to bring my new exciting ideas to life and provide my customers with products that really make a difference to their lives. I recently did my first Crystal Live Sale and I absolutely loved it. So that will definitely be something I do more of. I'm aiming to have my own little Candle Studio and I'll be surrounded by lots of pretty crystals while I work. Sounds like Heaven to me.”
How are you finding running a new business during the pandemic?
“I left my my job in Social Care right in the middle of a pandemic. It was really scary but I'd got the point where I couldn't continue doing a job I wasn't loving anymore. My mental health had been suffering and I knew it was time to take my hobby and make it into my job.
“I won't lie and say it has been easy but it has totally been worth the happiness I've felt since stepping into my dream. It took a lot of courage but everyone has been so supportive. I've made some great online friends through my facebook page (Kate's Krystals) which has really helped me during these hard times.”
How do you feel about the collaboration with The Geek Side?
“When Zoe at The Geek Side approached me and asked me to bring her product ideas to life I was SO excited. I really feel we've brought them to life perfectly. I felt Proud to be working beside such a wonderful company. She takes so much pride in The Geek Side. I think the witchy side of Kate's Krystals and the wizardry in The Geek Side makes a perfect combo. I hope we can continue to make some more amazing products together that our wonderful customers will love.”

Owning the type of business I do does come with its complications which fit with this year's International Women's Day theme perfectly. I hear "This is a man's shop", more than I care to admit and this must change in order to move forward for an equal world. I believe that everything I sell in all fandoms are, and should be, completely gender neutral. Why can't a woman like Star Wars and Rick and Morty? And why can't a man like Unicorns and Pusheen?
I also get confronted with a lot of confusion when people find out that I own The Geek Side – me! A woman?! This type of stereotyping must stop. Why can a woman not own a "geek shop"? Why is this seen as a man's occupation? What should I be doing for a job, as a woman? What would be more suitable for my gender?
I grew up watching "typical men's" TV programs with my dad, such as Star Trek, Red Dwarf, Bottom, The Young Ones and much more, and I just can't wrap my head around why this is the case. If I'm being honest I have even been asked if I am gay for liking such things - yes, by completely random people in my store. This is not at all relevant, is insulting, stereotypical, and most importantly, none of their business.
I saw a news article yesterday about women working in science, engineering and technology inspiring other young women to choose a career in such a predominately male field – and this is amazing! It is a fantastic achievement for women all over the globe. But sadly, but didn't seem to agree. There were comments such as "Sick to death of hearing about women", "My woman cooks and cleans for me" and "What a shame to devote a career to sexism". This awful and damaging attitude and thinking women simply inspiring others to work towards equality is sexist must stop, and we will not stop celebrating women and their incredible achievements until true change happens.
From challenge comes change, so let's all choose to challenge.
Share with us your photos of yourself with your hand up to show you're in and tell us how will you help forge a gender equal world. Celebrate women's achievement. Raise awareness against bias. Take action for equality.
Until next time...
Much love,
Team Geek x