Hello fellow geeks!
We hope you are all keeping safe and well. We're almost finished with our first week back to work since being closed on March 23rd. We have to say it's very weird and definitely feels like opening a completely different shop, in a completely different town - it's very surreal. The town is extremely quiet with no tourists visiting and the locals have either gone back to work or are still shielding. It really is scary times and at the moment we're unsure what the future will bring for The Geek Side.
This blog is dedicated to one of our regular customers, Sarah, who is a huge Harry Potter fan (also a mug collector!). Let's get crackin' and see what she has to say!
First of all, do you solemnly swear you are up to no good?
Please tell us your name, age and where you are from...
"My name is Sarah, I live in Skipton but I am an army brat and have lived in many places."
How long have you been a Harry Potter fan?
"I first started reading the books when I was 7 years old just after The Goblet of Fire came out."
Which is your favourite book and/or movie?
"My favourite book is The Order of the Phoenix, because I love all the rebellious antics that went on and how it portrayed that even when others make you feel powerless that strength of character and being true to your self proves you are anything. But my favourite movie has to be The Chamber of Secrets, purely because it is as true to the book as they could be at that time."
Who is your favourite character and why?
"Dobby, because he is so pure in nature and never falters in his conviction to do what is right even if he is an outcast of his own kind he is happy and enjoys his life, his way."
Which Hogwarts House were you sorted into?
What is your Patronus?
"White Mare."
Would you rather travel by Portkey, Broomstick, or Floo Powder?
What is your favourite Harry Potter item purchased from The Geek Side?
"My niffler jewellery dish, who doesnt love niffler?"

What are you hoping to purchase next from The Geek Side?
"A Hogwarts dining set to go with the water goblets I've got."
Which of the Deathly Hallows would you most like to possess?
"The resurrection stone so I can talk to my friends and family who have passed away and get their advice on the things I do."
We would like to say a huge thank you to Sarah for taking part in our Super Fan blog feature! We hope to see you soon when things have calmed down a bit out there.
Until next time...
Much love,
Team Geek x