Hi fellow geeks!
We hope you are all doing well and keeping safe. We had a very stressful week last week. We have noticed a lot of people have started ignoring the guidelines set by the government, making work very hard work and unnecessarily stressful.
We will be sharing with you our shop rules again, for those who may need a little reminder that we are still in the midst of a worldwide pandemic. Even some areas of the UK may be shut down again - we don't want that to happen to us! Or for all our hard work to have been for nothing. We have only just reopened after being closed for three months - we cannot go through that again. We just won't survive it.
However, for now, we have another Harry Potter Super Fan for you! This time we meet Lily Louise. You may remember her as our quiz witch from our Harry Potter Prefect Quiz nights during lockdown.
Let's say "hello" shall we?
First of all, do you solemnly swear you are up to no good?
"Oh yes, I am a marauders girl and will be forever."
Please tell us your name and age...
"Lily Louise, 32."

How long have you been a Harry Potter fan?
"Since I was 13 so... 2020 years and still love them as much as I did then."
Which is your favourite book and/or movie?
"Order if the Phoenix is my favourite book only narrowly beating Prisoner of Azkaban because in Order of the Phoenix we get to meet one of my favourite characters, Lily Evans, and also learn more about Sirius Black. Prisoner of Azkaban favourite movie because it was beautifully directed and had a real classical noir style that made the movie both dark and enjoyable."
Who is your favourite character and why?
"Okay... tough one... Lily Evans because she faultlessly defends her friends and her compassionate nature and love for her family inspire me. She was the kindest witch, helped Remus and was brilliantly intuitive and creative with her magic.
"She has auburn hair just like me and green almond eyes like me. She sacrificed her life for those she loved the most. She inspires me to be a better version of myself.
"She was brave and matched her Gryffindor courage with the ambition of a Slytherin, the wit of Ravenclaw and the loyalty of hufflepuff."
Which Hogwarts House were you sorted into?
"Hufflepuff. Loyal. Dilligent. Forgetful. Helpful and kind. Creative but distracted easily and struggle to stick to one project."
What is your Patronus if you know it?
"Red squirrel. But I think I'm more a hedgehod patronous. I think because I'm soft on the inside and get the prickles out when you threaten me or my family. My animagus is a squirrel."
Would you rather travel by Portkey, Broomstick, or Floo Powder?
What is your favourite Harry Potter item purchased from The Geek Side?
"I love my James Potter character wand and the bubble bath bombs are amazing and one smells just how I imagine butterbeer would smell!"

What are you hoping to purchase next from The Geek Side?
"Lumos light or Rermus Lupin's wand. It's my birthday next week, eek!"
Which of the Deathly Hallows would you most like to possess?
"Invisibility cloak."
Thank you Lily Louise for taking part in our Super Fan blog. We look forward to seeing you soon for your birthday goodies too!
If you'd like to take part in one of our Super Fan blog features, please get in touch! And watch our for our reminder blog regarding store rules and guildelines.
Until next time...
Much love,
Team Geek x